Cathy Trinh
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Jun 17, 2020
Inspiring Through Positivity Book Review
Learning to slow down in life is something that many of us need to master. Arthur Cathy Trinh openly shares her experiences, her journey to becoming the person she is today-a beautiful existence.
Cathy reflects on her life and shares her healing methods with readers. She introduces her concept H.O.L.Y. Moments© and also includes a 7-Day Guide to Slow Living at the end.
May 29, 2020
Yahoo! Life - The Journey Book Releases...
An executive coach intertwines personal stories with soulful life lessons to help others create a brighter future.
Cathy Trinh is a world traveler, motivational speaker, cancer survivor with tremendous passion, expressive voice and unbridled personality who has created a global community platform to raise awareness for self-care by slowing down into a beautiful existence...